Thoughts of an Insomniac

Thoughts run rampant like a runaway train, while insomnia runs roughshod within my brain. So, I’m awake writing at 12:15 a.m rather than asleep on my bed. Curled up in my covers and ignorant of the world is where I want to be, but here I sit in my cozy chair writing instead.

Here we live in the newly born year of 2022, yet there are reports of book burnings and the ultra-conservatives telling us who we cannot be. Have we somehow jumped the time space continuum and returned to 1953? Are you honestly trying to tell us that it is you who knows what’s best? Well, pay attention to these words while I get this off my chest.

The books are not the problem and the internet is not to blame for all the supposed sins you rave about and whatever pronouns our children claim. If you think that passing laws and cinching restrictions tighter on the rights we’re entitled to in this country, will make it all disappear, you’ve got a big surprise coming from this next generation. They won’t stand for your manipulations and they won’t wait around in fear.

What happened to the separation of our church and state? How can you loudly scream you’re a “Christian”, while steadily out of your mouth spews ignorance and hate? The political leanings of our government leaders, elected by the people, are supposed to represent the majority, no only those who worship under your shiny steeple.

What are you so afraid of Harry Potter for? I suppose Bugs Bunny is next, or perhaps it will be Winnie the Pooh? How are books and thoughts, ideas and individual identities any danger to you? While you run scared, driving up the hysteria about things that shouldn’t matter on your agenda, the wallet of government leaders is getting so much fatter. Or, maybe that’s the point. Keep the sheep distracted with all of the rhetoric, while you slowly rob them blind.

But, take a walk, I dare you, down any city street. Open your ignorant and blinded eyes, tell me what do you see? While you strip rights and rave like a lunatic, there are men, women and children dying in this country from homelessness that’s no fault of theirs. We have teachers working multiple jobs, praying they don’t get sick. Firemen and Police down in the trenches on the daily, doing what they can do to aid their communities and hoping they go home at the end of their shifts to their own families.

These are some of the people giving back to their communities with actions that may save lives, not sitting on the sidelines preaching from the benches.

Did you know that children are not your possessions? They really do have minds of their own, and their social awareness is necessary for their education. Have you not ever read Maslow? There are basic human needs that must be met, in order for children to learn. They might sound familiar to you because they’re the same as yours, or maybe you’re unable to discern. One of the most basic of these needs is emotional safety, which includes being heard. But, you probably don’t know this because you’re too busy pointing fingers at scapegoats and finding more books to burn.


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